Trademark Angel


Trademark Angel



At TRADEMARK ANGEL, we bring over 25 years of expertise in trademark registration, including specialized services like register trademark online to support businesses globally. Our transparent and straightforward pricing means no hidden fees or unexpected costs.

Our multilingual team, fluent in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Armenian, Tagalog, ensures seamless communication for clients worldwide. Backed by a dedicated team of 10 professionals and 15 support staff, we provide prompt service, responding to calls and emails within the same business day. We also offer complimentary phone consultations and initial trademark searches, including efficient trademark registration services. Trust TRADEMARK ANGEL for expert guidance and a hassle-free trademark registration experience.

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Trademark Angel

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Trademark Angel

226 - 2462979


Suite 521, 6-2557 Dougall Avenue Windsor, (View Map)

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